Carole Symer
Poet and Writer

New chapbook --Glint -- is out now in bookstores and online.
“In “Glint,” Carole Symer traces the rhythm of a long love story with flashes of sights, smells, and hints of inside jokes — the way intimacy truly unfolds. By sharing it, she has given us a gift of pure pleasure.”
—Monica Banks, Artist
“A glint is a small flash of light; to slip, slide, or gleam; to shine with particular attention. The poems in Carole Symer’s debut chapbook, Glint, are radiant, hot blooded, self-assured, and infused with potent energy. She begins with a fragment of Sappho and ends with a standing wave. Along the way there is marriage, international adoption, food, flowers, and “the scent of human soft”. You may laugh out loud as you read this work. You will recognize honest truths.”
—Holly Wren Spaulding, author of Familiars
By Dr. Carole Symer
December 26, 2017
Across the Margin
An attempt to slow down the conversation, to contemplate the emotional shadows flickering in the room in the real-time space between us. An examination of the enigmatic ways of the intellectually precocious, ambitious and globally aware Trailing Millennials…
Literacy and Liberty for All: Why Detroit’s Kids Need More than Access to a School or a Lap
BY Dr. Carole Symer
October 10-16, 2018
Michigan Chronicle
"In 1974, twenty years after the Brown v. the Board’s ruling that segregation by race was unconstitutional, the Supreme Court reinstated segregation in Detroit. While acknowledging that Detroit students’ Constitutional rights had been violated, the decision was to put the burden back on Detroit and spare White suburbia. Thurgood Marshall disagreed, along with three other judges, arguing that “School district lines, however innocently drawn, will surely be perceived as fences to separate the races.” Justice Douglass added, “Michigan by one device or another has over the years created black school districts and white school districts,” and, in doing so, “the State washes its hands of its own creations.”
Literacy undergirds everything. Check the stats. Together, let’s check our biases against children, and re-invest in literacy and liberty for all."
Between Now & Next
Spring 2021
Sky Island Journal, Issue #16
upward mobility, from scratch & when the beach plums are scarlet
July 2020
Wild Roof Journal, Issue #3
so much of the world inside & marriage spells
January 10th, 2019